Hello again. This is Susan from myketaminestory.com. I am a blogger that suffers with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD), Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I was introduced to Ketamine for TRD in January 2015. I am forever grateful that I was. I spent the first two years focused on my recovery. I now have an excellent treatment plan in place but that does not clear me from obstacles or pitfalls. I journal regularly. I educate and advocate for Ketamine Therapy to help treat depression. I write for The Injection & Infusion Clinic of ABQ, entirely based on my experience with Ketamine therapy over the past 3.5 plus years.
If you joined me last week then you already know that I announced the exciting news about The Ketamine Academy; an online Ketamine provider training program. I examined the Ketamine Infusion Therapy training course and shared my introduction to this new program in my last blog, Introducing The Ketamine Academy: An Online Ketamine Provider Training Course. This week I am ecstatic to finally share with you part one of my in depth two part interview with Mr. Jason Duprat, the founder of The Ketamine Academy and creator of the first online training course to help practitioners establish their own Ketamine clinic in order to provide more people suffering with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) and Chronic Neuropathic Pain Conditions access to this innovative drug Ketamine.
Ketamine is a life saver.
I constantly write about my journey with Ketamine on several different platforms. Ketamine was a huge game changer for me. When Ketamine was first mentioned in my home I can honestly say that my video game screen clearly stated "Game Over". I was finished. I had nothing left. All the health packs and power ups were obsolete. I had fallen off the grid and all my extra lives were long gone. I was free falling. Darkness. Nothing. My game status was over. I was only a shadow of my character. It would be many levels before I was even aware the game changed platforms. I had hit a glitch. Ketamine. It rebooted this game called life. I was given another chance. I can't express enough how immensely thankful I am that my dark, bloody, and violently featured game has been retired. I have Ketamine now. It is easier to be grateful.
I have been an active advocate of Ketamine for Treatment Resistant Depression since January of 2017. It took me several years of regular Ketamine treatments to climb out of the rabbit hole I was lost in for decades. I can't begin to express how Ketamine has influenced my life. I try weekly. I ruminate. I dream of my words pulling back all the darkness for those suffering with clinical depression. The kind of depression that has no face. It is not situational. It is not prolonged grief. This mask may appear to be smiling but it is an expression that was molded on the day I learned just how different my world was. It was a safety call. I needed to suit up and play my part brilliantly so as not to be discovered as the fraud I felt I was. Depression kills. It almost claimed me. I can physically and emotionally feel the lies "depression" whispers in my ear when the Ketamine fades between appointments. They scream. It pains me. The depression and anxiety are loud and powerful distractions and are impossible for me to silence without Ketamine Therapy. It was with the assistance of Ketamine treatments that I was capable of digging my way back to the surface. That rabbit hole, it still exists for me, but the opening has shrunk. I don't slip too far into the chaos now. I skip around the forest and embrace the sunshine. I resent knowing I could blindly tumble at any moment into that familiar trap and be lost for days. However, sneaking away from the insanity for longer periods of time is a blessing my words lack the ability to adequately describe or represent. Ketamine. Thank you Ketamine for the free time.
I have been advocating for Ketamine therapy for over nine months now. It has been incredible to witness the changes. I made it my mission to put together a Ketamine Provider & Location list. I consistently update my directory when I discover new clinics or offices. I want anyone suffering and interested in trying Ketamine Therapy to be able to locate a provider in their area. I have accumulated a list of over one hundred facilities nationwide. This is not nearly enough centers to reach all those individuals suffering with TRD and chronic pain. I admit I get pretty exhilarated every time I locate a new clinic, or I see a new email from a Ketamine provider in my inbox. It is a positive. I feel that more clinics means that the number of people suffering from Treatment Resistant Depression may decrease. Another possibility is that with every new Ketamine provider, the probability increases that prices will drop and thus make it more affordable, leading once again to the chance that Ketamine could assist and offer hope to those, like me, that no longer believe in the magic of life. We need more Ketamine providers. I have received several emails from healthcare professionals asking me how they can begin offering Ketamine. I had a few ideas and suggestions but felt it wasn't informative or just never enough to make a difference. There is definitely a need for a program or something to educate on Ketamine and also assist practitioners in becoming Ketamine providers and even more appealing is that you can now be your own boss and a small business owner.
I was not the only person that saw a need to help educate interested health care providers on Ketamine therapy and the possibility of becoming a Ketamine Clinic owner. A few weeks back the owner of The Injection and Infusion Clinic of ABQ, Jason Duprat, informed me of his new Ketamine venture. It has been a challenge for me not to spread the word about this upcoming online Ketamine provider course before the site went live!
I recently spent a couple hours conversing with the founder of The Ketamine Academy, Mr. Duprat. I asked him an array of questions, probably more than he expected to answer in my phone call to him. I asked a slew of questions in order to compile as much information as I could to help interested parties understand better why this online training program is one of a kind. I highly recommend it.
The following is a standard Q & A format based entirely from my personal interview and the notes I jotted down during my phone interview last week. I would love to make an eloquent transition from these few sentences acting as an introduction straight into my dialogue:
What is the Ketamine Academy?
The Ketamine Academy is a training program designed to help educate and coach practitioners on becoming Ketamine providers. It teaches you the step by step process of becoming a Ketamine provider and small business owner, starting with day one deciding to open a Ketamine clinic straight through to the opening day of your new office. This program is high on the business side. It puts all the time consuming searches for procedures and regulations in one location. I could have easily had my clinic doors opened at least 3 or 4 months prior to my actual grand opening if the Ketamine Academy was available to me.
Why did you decide to put a Ketamine provider training course together?
I had been receiving regular emails asking me how I became a Ketamine provider. There was a huge demand from practitioners. I had people reaching out to me through Facebook asking similar questions. I noticed a theme. I recognized that the growing interest in Ketamine for Treatment Resistant Depression is fascinating and promising. I didn't have enough time to answer all the inquiries. I researched the internet and discovered there wasn't an online training course aimed at helping coach interested parties in opening a Ketamine clinic, or a program for health care professionals to incorporate Ketamine into their current practice.
What do you hope to people will take away from The Ketamine Academy course?
I want every student to walk away feeling confident. I want them to learn everything necessary to run a profitable Ketamine clinic. It is my hope that I can assist in helping them overcome limiting beliefs. We can get stuck in our fears. It is often difficult to see ourselves as a boss or business owner. I struggled with taking a risk. I read a lot of business books and motivational books from authors like Tony Robbins. It took time to look past my own mental hang ups and fears. I would like to offer guidance, and we discuss this topic in the course too, because it is important for new business prospects to realize how common fears and doubts about our own ability can influence your approach to your business.
Will there be homework or exercises?
No. No homework.
Will this course walk me through the process of becoming a provider?
Yes. It will provide a step by step systematic approach to becoming a Ketamine provider with options for additional hands on clinical rotation training.
What do you feel was your biggest challenge in opening the Injection and Infusion Clinic of Albuquerque?
Hmmmmm. I guess I would say getting my DEA number for a controlled substance. It took months. It was definitely a timing element, and it would have been incredibly helpful to know to start this process before I did.
I would also add that my own limiting belief system was difficult to work past, and I share what I found helpful in moving away from the fear and doubt.
How did you overcome those challenges?
I spent a lot of time researching and reading. My investigations were exhausting. I would go to bed at night having more questions that needed answering the next day. I was also working full time so it got pretty challenging. The more I learned and worked through my fear of failure, the better able I was to get my business operational. Time. That is how. I am hoping that The Ketamine Academy will simplify the process making it more manageable and having far less costly complications and delays. I address the obstacles I faced and made sure my students would not face the same pitfalls I did.
How much does the Ketamine course cost?
The Ketamine Academy's enrollment for the Ketamine Infusion Therapy training can be explained in a couple of ways. We have two payment options. If you would like to pay in full the cost to you would be a one time charge of $2,499.00. We also have a payment plan. You can pay in three installments of $966.00 for a total of around $2,900.00. We may have possible discounts or specials available so be sure to visit The Ketamine Academy for details or email me at jason@ketamineacademy.com
How long does the training course take to complete?
The average person working a full time job while enrolled in the Ketamine program can look to invest five or six months of their time. This completion time can vary depending on how motivated you are and how flexible your schedule is. The more time you can dedicate to the training course the speedier the return on your investment. There will be well over 5 hours of content uploaded to the site by December 1, 2017.
What types of pitfalls in starting up your own business do you feel this course will help others avoid?
I would say I have a lot to offer from the mistakes I made. I can help students find and read their state regulations and licensing laws. I can direct practitioners away from unnecessary forms that are costly and create delays that could affect your opening date, thus potentially costing you more and possibly bringing an abrupt halt to your opening.
I also feel I have a lot to offer in marketing knowledge. I know what types of marketing have worked for me, and I share those methods with those enrolled in the course. I have learned, and can cover in depth, website design and I plan to help students understand how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can work for their website and clinic.
Why would anybody be interested in becoming a Ketamine provider?
Well, I feel there are a variety of reasons why this may be a great opportunity for a practitioner. It is a great way to gain control of your career. The possibility of no longer working in a hospital environment with the long, grueling shifts is very attractive. It is an intriguing way to make a living. I find it extremely rewarding. I am working for the people but I am also building a company I am proud of, provides a huge service to those suffering with Treatment Resistant Depression, and I am self employed. I am investing in myself and my clinic. I think that more practitioners will find the idea of being independent appealing and will be willing to take a risk on themselves. The Ketamine provider course will help walk you through the process with our online training program.
What are the advantages of becoming a Ketamine provider?
Personal satisfaction and independence. I also wanted to offer and provide a much needed service to the people in my area, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
In fact, what could be better then assisting a community that have given up hope that their lives could improve? It is incredible to witness the changes that the patients, undergoing Ketamine Infusions, experience.
I have been overwhelmed with the gratitude patients and their families have expressed to me about their treatment, or their loved ones care.
I know for me, I was searching for an opportunity for more independence. I was finding myself frustrated and discouraged with the long hospital shifts. I wanted more freedom.
Are there any disadvantages to having your own Ketamine Clinic?
Sure. Business ownership is a lot of work. In fact, when you first begin the process and then open the doors to your clinic you may actually have to invest more of your time. You might find yourself working more hours than you did at your previous employment. It will be worth the initial time commitment to set up your office to have the freedom to be your own boss.
When I first opened The Injection & Infusion Clinic of ABQ, I found I was investing more and more time researching marketing, taxes, payroll, patient care, and web design and optimization. The average person doesn't have the ability to dedicate hours, days or weeks to learning, making mistakes, correcting said mistakes and trying another approach until they figure it all out.
I wouldn't necessarily consider this a disadvantage, but more like a learning experience. During the process of becoming a Ketamine provider I discovered the need for an accountant. I don't think everyone needs one, but they should definitely learn more about the principles of accounting. It also helps to know how to negotiate rental fees and contracts, so it might be advisable to seek out an attorney. The Ketamine course will cover the basic knowledge needed.
These are several of the main reasons I decided to organize and feature a course helping others avoid spending countless hours reading, testing, adjusting, and recalculating.
Why did you become a Ketamine provider?
I had a family member that has had personal experience with depression and have always been intrigued by mental health related fields. When I was introduced to Ketamine for depression I was drawn to learn more. As a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) I was already providing anesthetics to patients in a hospital setting, and I was pretty familiar with Ketamine as we often use it during many procedures and surgeries. I wanted to understand how Ketamine was helping people suffering with Treatment Resistant Depression. I have been overwhelmed with the gratitude patients and their families have expressed to me about their treatment.
I was already finding myself frustrated and discouraged with the long hospital shifts. I wanted more freedom. I think the idea of being my own boss and having my own private business was very attractive to me.
There are studies being conducted with Ketamine on PTSD, and I find myself interested to learn more about that. I suppose I was drawn to the mental health aspect of the business too.
What information would you have liked to have had when setting up your Ketamine Clinic?
I think the most valuable information, for me, is state laws and regulations. I think what would have been even more helpful for me is knowing where to find the information I needed. The Ketamine Academy will explain where to locate the relevant reading. I would have also liked to have had access to Ketamine protocols. What I mean by that is, it would have greatly benefited me to know how other Ketamine clinics operated. What was their business model? How do they conduct their business? The hands-on element. I would have appreciated having someone walk me through a typical day. One last thing, I think that it also helps to know how a patient responds to Ketamine and what to expect from the treatments from a patient's perspective. We cover all these aspect in the Ketamine Infusion Therapy course. The program will have pertinent templates of the various forms you will need to open your doors for business. I personally would have loved having the opportunity to join a course explaining all elements of the business including patient care and Ketamine dosing. Oh, and it would have been helpful to know about taxes and setting up an employment Identification card, state financial projections and expenses, and what the ranges were.
Will you travel to new locations to help set up a clinic?
I am open to the idea. It requires more planning, organizing and arranging schedules to work for both individuals involved. Please feel free to contact me at jason@ketamineacademy.com if you have any questions.
Does the Ketamine Academy have different packages to select from during the enrollment process?
No, not really.
At The Ketamine Academy if you pay-in-full it is a reduced price of only $2,499!
There is another method of covering the cost of the course with a payment arrangement of 3 easy payments of 966.00 each.
If an interested person has started the process of becoming a Ketamine provider, but they keep experiencing delays and unexpected costs, could they still find assistance with your program?
Yes. Definitely. Be sure to contact me at jason@ketamineacademy.com to discuss the possibility of a course discount.
Can a person join mid-program if they have begun the paperwork but became discouraged?
Of course. Be sure to contact me at jason@ketamineacademy.com to discuss the possibility of a discount on the enrollment costs. The beauty of this course is all the information is downloaded and available to students. The Ketamine Infusion therapy program is designed to be user friendly. Each student can either start at the beginning and work their way through the course or they have the option to skip around the course information. The training course allows you the freedom to work at your own pace and on your own time schedule. The Ketamine Academy has a free trial for interested people to get a sample of the content.
Would there be any price reduction if the full program isn't needed?
This is a question best discussed with me. I will approach this issue case by case. I am open and willing to hear you out, but I reserve the right to decline a request. Please feel free to contact me at jason@ketamineacademy.com if you have any questions or concerns.
If I joined the Ketamine Academy, would I be interacting with instructors and other students?
Yes and no. The Ketamine Academy will have discussion forums by topics for the students and instructor. Also, look for our Facebook page for another avenue of communication. These options are purely voluntary and not necessary to complete the training program. Sharing can help answer your questions in a timely manner. Communicating by email or the phone definitely works too. Students will have open access to the instructor.
Is the Ketamine Academy an online course only?
Yes and No. The Ketamine Infusion Therapy Training program is primarily an online course with options for hands-on training. On December 1, 2017 students will find that 100% of the course content has been uploaded in order and totally accessible 24/7. The clinical rotations will begin in January, so make sure you enroll early and reserve your place now. Practitioners that enroll early, before 12/1/2017, will have an extended period of 90 days to assess to the course material.
Why is there a need for a Ketamine provider training course?
There is high demand for a program or teaching course to help healthcare professionals establish a safe low cost Ketamine clinic to help administer this new therapy for Treatment Resistant Depression, I know we both have researched programs that coach interested, qualified health care practitioners to become Ketamine providers. The options are limited and costly. I am aware that one doctor asked interested parties to submit a lengthy request and must be accepted into their training program. I located only two facilities offering to assist you in set-up. They are expensive. It will cost you close to 10,000 dollars to accept their help setting up your own center. You may also find yourself in a situation where you are continuing to pay a long term cost of 40% of your future revenue. At The Ketamine Academy if you pay-in-full it is a reduced price of only $2,499! The website also has another method of covering the cost of the course with the payment option of 3 easy payments of 966.00 each. As a business start-up, the cost and the luxury of working for yourself providing a life saving therapy, the cost is manageable.
I will note here that The Ketamine Academy is offering a free trial, so why not give this opportunity some consideration? It is realistic for many of you. Bet on yourself.
Join me next week for the conclusion of my Interview with the creator of The Ketamine Academy, Jason Duprat. Until then keep, please, keep educating yourself and others on the importance of Ketamine Therapy for Treatment Resistant Depression. You could be offering hope to a person that has stop believing in its possibilities.
Feel free to visit The Ketamine Academy to enroll in your dream today. If you are fascinated, but not yet ready to commit, I recommend the free trial to help you determine whether you want to invest in yourself and in this is new online ketamine infusion training course.
If you are interested in educating yourself on Ketamine therapy for Treatment Resistant Depression check out the four part series I wrote answering questions about Ketamine use, based on my experience with Ketamine therapy over the past 3.5 plus years, for The Injection & Infusion Clinic of ABQ.
My first blog, Ketamine: Addressing Questions & Concerns focused on my early experience with Ketamine Infusions. In part two of the series, Addressing Questions & Concerns About Ketamine Therapy for Treatment Resistant Depression I addressed questions and concerns about Intramuscular Ketamine verses Ketamine Infusion therapy. In my third blog, Frequently Asked Questions: Redefining Depression With The Assistance Of Ketamine Therapy, I was a bit more random. I had emails with several questions and themes and I addressed as many inquiries as I could. In my final question and answer dialogue, Pondering Concerns & Questions: The Benefits Of Ketamine For Treatment Resistant Depression, I discussed research, clinical studies, and the need for changes to occur within our insurance companies and federal government so that maybe one day Ketamine will not be so difficult to afford or obtain from any qualified professional. I hope these personal blogs from a patient that suffered for over four decades with treatment resistant depression will be helpful in convincing you why enrolling in The Ketamine Academy's online Ketamine Infusion Therapy training course is an excellent decision. The Ketamine Academy online program will surely benefit you and the mental health community.
I want to know, are you seeking a new opportunity and the personal freedom business ownership offers you? If so, head over to The Ketamine Academy and get a jump on early enrollment specials.
In conclusion, If you know of anyone suffering with treatment resistant depression, like I do, let them know that Ketamine therapy may be an option worth looking into. It has been and continues to offer me relief from my symptoms. If you or someone you know are considering Ketamine infusion therapy, please visit www.infusionclinicabq.com for low cost ketamine infusion and injection options. If you are not in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area I also suggest approaching a local professional and start educating them on the benefits of Ketamine. Again, it doesn't hurt to ask for what you need.
I have been generating a Ketamine Providers and Locations list and I update it regularly. The provider list can be found here and on my personal website. This list may help you find a clinic in your city or state.
Just think, if you enrolled in The Ketamine Academy your new clinic could easily be added to my directory for the grand opening!
Originally posted on The Injection & Infusion Clinic of ABQ