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Top Marketing Techniques That Will Help Your Clinic Grow

As the founder of a healthcare business, you have a responsibility to keep both your clients and your business in good shape. You’re the expert on the health of your clients, but let me give you some top techniques for keeping your business healthy.

Remember, it’s important to not only maintain and engage the patients and/or clients you have but also to attract new clients all the time.

This will enable your business to compete with the market.

The five strategies for doing this are:



Constant Contact with Patients

Social Media

Internet Marketing


How will anyone know that you are out there and what you are offering unless you let them know? Try localized Facebook ads, run ads in the paper, advertise in magazines your audience reads or on websites they frequently visit. Learn where your client is already and advertise there.


The importance of a high-quality, professional website cannot be overstated. When someone is looking for a clinic or a new doctor or even medical equipment, you can bet they are looking online first. They want to see reviews, they want to see how you present yourself, they want to see a level of professionalism and savvy to prove your legitimacy.

You want to optimize your website so that it attracts the clients you want to work with. Trust me, it’s not enough to operate solely on word of mouth and referrals anymore. You need the online presence to secure new patients. Have your website optimized for SEO keywords as well; it is worth hiring an expert to do this for you.

It’s a great idea to have an opt-in form for email subscribers on your homepage as well as positive reviews from satisfied patients.


Make sure you have appropriate software to handle your client data and contact schedule. By contact schedule, I mean you should have an automated system for contacting your patients. This will enable you to keep on point and in touch with clients.


Being active on social media proves you have joined the 21st century. If you’re not, people are going to make unfavorable assumptions about you. That’s just the truth. Social media accounts also lend credibility and personality to your brand as well as provide an venue for clients to contact you and ask questions.

Social media profiles also help to remind clients of your existence at times when they don’t need to schedule an appointment. Be clever, informative, and personal. Provide real value so that people will check the content even when they don’t have an urgent need for medical care. Be creative with the topics you post about.


Remember to be different. Your brand voice should be distinctly different from others. It’s not about what you say, it’s about how you say it. Get creative with that, too. Show some pictures and insight into the life of your team so that your clients can get to know the real you.

Make a commitment to client education and stay relevant. Post about topics that matter, that are in the news, and that people are constantly asking you about.

Use video marketing. 2019 is the year of video. It is so much more powerful than any other type of content. Don’t be left behind by neglecting to use it!

Always test and adjust your strategies as necessary, but these five should get you started and serve you and your business well. Happy marketing!

Need more marketing tips? Check out this blog post!

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