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  • Writer's pictureJason A. Duprat MBA, MSA, APRN, CRNA

Ketamine Clinic Insurance: Essential Coverages To Mitigate Risks

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When it comes to treating both mental health issues and chronic pain, few drugs offer the power and potential of ketamine. Clinics that are implementing ketamine treatments are showing impressive, measurable results, and an increasing number of healthcare professionals are turning to ketamine to help their patients.


If you’re one of them, though, you should know that there are plenty of hurdles to clear, especially when it comes to insurance issues. Insurance companies want to know that treatment protocols are in place and being followed. Ketamine has a history as a recreational drug, and in part, it’s that history that has led to procedures and protocols that are designed to keep patients safe and protect the medical professionals who work in them.


What follows is a thorough look at ketamine clinic insurance coverages that help ensure complete coverage and mitigation of liability risks.

What Are Ketamine Clinics and What Do They Do, Exactly?

Ketamine clinics are specialized entities. Simply put, they administer ketamine treatments to patients struggling with mood disorders such as treatment-resistant depression, PTSD, anxiety, and chronic pain.


These treatments are typically administered IV, IM, or IN, and patients are monitored by trained medical professionals who ensure the dosages are appropriate and effective. They carefully monitor the results in a controlled clinical setting. The primary goal of most treatment programs is to address symptoms and issues for patients who aren’t getting optimal results from traditional therapies.


Ketamine often provides rapid relief from these symptoms and issues, and delivering treatments in a safe clinical setting is key. Hundreds of ketamine clinics have sprung up across the country, and the medical professionals who own and practice them need to have comprehensive knowledge of the insurance that is available and, in some cases, required.


Ketamine’s History: The Good, the Bad, and the Controversial

After being synthesized by a chemist at Parke-Davis Laboratories in the 60s, ketamine first surfaced on the medical landscape in the 1970s when the FDA approved the drug for use as a general anesthetic.


Using ketamine for mental health issues is a more recent development, however. Shortly after the turn of the century, researchers began to observe the antidepressant properties of ketamine, highlighting its potential to reduce symptoms of depression and suicidal ideations.


This led to increasing interest in therapeutic applications beyond anesthesia, and as ketamine clinics proliferated, they were able to find ways to leverage initial results and slowly shape them into comprehensive treatment plans.


Along the way, however, medical professionals have also had to deal with the stereotypes that came with ketamine’s use as an illegal street drug. Those stereotypes are part of the reason that ketamine use is highly regulated, and insurance companies especially need to know that the appropriate safeguards are in place and being strictly enforced and followed.

Getting Insurance and Dealing with Potential Liabilities

While health insurance companies have been slow to recognize the considerable medical potential of racemic ketamine, most are now providing coverage for esketamine, which is sold under the brand name Spravato. Positive results have been especially noticeable with those suffering from treatment-resistant depression, veterans struggling with PTSD symptoms, and those with complex regional pain syndromes. Broader acceptance of ketamine therapy has followed as the medical literature supporting this treatment has become more robust.


As the implementation of ketamine therapy grows, insurance companies need to have effective safeguards in place for both legal and operational risks. Medical professionals starting or working in ketamine clinics need to have a thorough knowledge of what the common risks are and how they can be reduced with proper insurance coverage. Some of these risks include the following: 

  • Malpractice: Ketamine treatment is an evolving process that puts malpractice claims at or near the top of the list of potential risks. Allegations of deviation from standard treatment can arise, and establishing a consistent standard of care to cover can be challenging due to the lack of standardized treatment protocols. Ketamine practitioners should invest in robust and comprehensive malpractice insurance to cover legal defense against any negligence or malpractice allegations and also to mitigate financial risk exposure.

  • Clinic safety: Patients entering a ketamine clinic pose a risk of accidental injury, such as slip-and-fall injuries. In addition, on-the-job accidents need to be covered to compensate for liability claims related to the overall safety of the ketamine clinic.

  • Advertising: Allegations of misleading statements about ketamine therapy and its effectiveness can lead to legal actions for false advertising. Insurance companies provide coverage for promotional materials that may be inaccurate or omit key information, such as the off-label use of ketamine for mood disorders and pain.

  • Cybersecurity risks: Cyberattacks have become commonplace in all walks of daily life, and the risks in this area are especially high for ketamine clinics. Breaches that provide access to Electronic Health Records (EHRs) can lead to significant legal and financial consequences. Having the appropriate protections and insurance in place can help reduce the risks.

Specific Insurance Coverage for Ketamine Practitioners

Malpractice Insurance

Because ketamine therapy is an emerging treatment, it can be more difficult to establish accepted norms of practice. For insurance companies, the solution to this problem is malpractice insurance. In other professions, this is also called Errors and Omissions (E&O) or professional liability coverage. Malpractice insurance protects practitioners from incidents related to their practices, and it covers both defense costs as well as the cost of any potential settlements or judgments.


However, this kind of insurance has exclusions. Many of these pertain to intentional wrongful acts, and it’s important to consult with an insurance broker who is familiar with the nuances of ketamine therapy. It is equally important to read every page of your coverage to ensure there isn't any language that would exclude services provided by a ketamine therapy clinician.

General Liability Insurance for Ketamine Clinics

General liability insurance is a critical component of risk management for ketamine clinics. It provides essential protection against a variety of common risks that can lead to significant financial losses. Here is an overview of what this type of insurance covers and why it is important for medical clinics.

Bodily Injury

It covers medical expenses, legal fees, and settlements if a visitor or delivery person is injured on the clinic's premises. For example, if a patient's family member slips and falls in the waiting area, the insurance would cover their medical bills and any legal costs if they decide to sue the clinic.

Property Damage

Provides coverage if the clinic is held responsible for damaging someone else's property. This could include instances where a staff member accidentally damages a patient's personal belongings, such as eyeglasses or a smartphone.

Advertising Injuries

Protects against claims related to advertising, such as copyright infringement, defamation, false advertising, or slander. For instance, if the clinic's marketing material inadvertently copies a competitor’s slogan or makes a false statement about another practice, the insurance would cover the legal costs and any settlements.

Cyber Liability Coverage for Ketamine Clinics

Cyber insurance is a relatively new form of insurance, but it’s essential for ketamine clinics. It covers data breaches, HIPAA violations, and system outages, any of which can have serious legal consequences and damage the clinic's reputation.

Multiple costs are associated with data breaches, including notification expenses, legal fees, and potential settlements. This kind of insurance provides coverage for business interruption and includes responding to regulatory investigations. Robust coverage is an essential part of cybersecurity measures, and it gives clinics the means to manage risks that are part of day-to-day operations.

Additional Insurance for Ketamine Clinics

Owning a ketamine clinic brings with it a unique set of risks and liabilities. Proper insurance coverage can protect clinic owners from both financial losses and legal claims, and it’s important to consider multiple forms of insurance to ensure comprehensive coverage. Here are some of the additional coverages that are common:

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance is mandatory in most states. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees who are injured on the job, and it’s crucial for any business with employees. Ketamine clinics are no exception when it comes to the need to protect against the financial impact of injuries that happen in the workplace.

Workers comp insurance also benefits employees by providing them with a safety net. It ensures that they can receive necessary medical care and compensation for injuries while on the job, so that they don’t have to bear those costs themselves.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

This type of insurance protects employees from claims involving important workplace issues, such as harassment, discrimination, or wrongful termination, all of which can be financially draining. EPLI provides coverage for legal defense costs as well as any settlements or judgments. Without EPLI, the financial burden of defending against employment-related claims could severely impact the clinic's ability to operate.

Property and Business Interruption Insurance

Property insurance covers damage to the clinic’s physical assets, such as buildings and equipment. It also covers fire and theft, along with other catastrophic events, and can provide insurance for lost revenue during periods when the clinic cannot operate (provided the damages are covered by the policy, of course).

Together, these insurances protect the clinic's physical assets and revenue streams, ensuring that any interruptions won't cripple the business financially. Having this type of coverage and making sure it’s comprehensive is crucial for long-term sustainability and security.

Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance

D&O insurance provides liability coverage for the clinic’s directors and officers against claims made for alleged wrongful acts in their managerial capacity. This includes coverage for regulatory claims and other legal actions that could arise from their decisions.

Clinic owners must protect themselves and their management team. This insurance ensures that directors and officers can make effective decisions without the constant fear of personal financial loss.

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance extends the limits of existing liability policies. It provides additional coverage that goes beyond the limits of primary policies, such as general liability or EPLI. It is important to note that it does not provide additional malpractice insurance coverage.

Umbrella insurance does provide an extra layer of protection. It gives owners peace of mind that even if a significant claim arises, the clinic won't be financially destroyed. This added coverage is part of comprehensive risk management, and it is relatively inexpensive to add.

Additional Risk Management Steps

Effective risk management is a high priority for ketamine clinic owners and practitioners, so let’s consider a few more ways to mitigate risks.

Review Your Policies Regularly

Maintaining and updating your insurance policies regularly is vital to maximizing your ketamine clinic risk reduction strategy. Medical standards and legal requirements are constantly changing, and regular policy reviews ensure that you don’t have any coverage gaps. They also help you spot any new exclusions that might affect your practice during policy renewal periods.

Consult with Experts

Meetings with insurance brokers and legal counsel are also vital. These experts can help you navigate the complexities of insurance policies and ensure that you have adequate protection against any emerging risks associated with providing ketamine therapy.

Brokers can help you select the right coverage, assist with shopping around for the best price, and find insurance carriers that provide coverage for off-label ketamine prescribing. Legal counsel can provide guidance on all potential legal pitfalls, not to mention ongoing compliance with state regulations. Working closely with these experts is an important component of a comprehensive ketamine risk management strategy.

Implementing Robust Patient Data Security Measures

Securing patient data is a requirement for ketamine clinic owners and practitioners. To protect sensitive patient data, always use HIPAA-compliant Electronic Health Records (EHR) along with strong cybersecurity measures. Your data security protocols and policies should specifically cover encrypted data storage and include regular system audits, staff training on data protection procedures, and strong passwords that are updated regularly.

Having an effective data protection system in place provides benefits that go far beyond legal requirement issues. Ensuring patient health data is secure fosters trust with patients and enhances the reputation of your clinic.


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